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Atto Fridays - Shambhu Ghimire
OSC Colloquium: Shambhu Ghimire, "High-harmonic Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials"
Meet the Physicist - Dr Shambhu Ghimire (Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC)
Public Talk on the Topic of Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 by Dr. Shambhu Ghimire
Atto Fridays - Hamed Merdji
Quantum Battles 2023 - Day 2 - The Attoscience of Solids - tutorial & battle
Atto Fridays - Mette Gaarde
Laser Based Transistor (तीन खुट्टे) by Dr. Shambhu Ghimire
Atto Fridays - Misha Ivanov
Cardio workout Gym In Qatar
Atto Fridays - Francoise Remacle
Atto Fridays - Philip Bucksbaum